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已读[1372] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:37:09
Care2.com Sometimes just called perilla, an extract from the plant's leaves have been found in many studies to be effective for the treatment of allergies, including: nasal congestion, sinusitis, asthma linked to ...
已读[1375] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:37:05
Outside Magazine The herb offers a caffeine fix similar to that of coffee, plus vitamins and other beneficial plant compounds. ... The first two cups of hot water imbibed from a typical Argentine-style small gourd containing about 20 grams of yerba will extract about ... 更多 »
已读[1310] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:37:00
POPSUGAR Junkies know this is one of the best plant extracts on the market — it boosts blood flow and helps keep inflammation and aging at bay. After my first test drive with the scrub, I immediately noticed how ...
已读[1306] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:36:56
PlanetSave.com “We found out that the antioxidant active Licochalcone A, which is the main component of the root extract of the plant Glycyrrhiza inflata (Chinese Licorice), is able to protect the skin from subsequent UV ...
已读[1353] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:36:52
Medical Xpress In a new study, the extract from rosehips—the fruit of the rose plant —significantly reduced the growth and migration of cells from a type of breast cancer known as triple negative. This particularly ... 更多 »
已读[1294] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:36:47
The Epoch Times Milk thistle has been used as a traditional medicine for more than 2,000 years, particularly for liver and gall bladder problems. (Allan Hack, CC BY-ND 2.0) ...
已读[1245] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:36:43
eNews Park Forest "Our findings [show] that CBD in the presence of other plant constituents improve the dose-response," authors reported. "The higher efficiency of plant extract might be explained by additive or ... 更多 »
已读[1269] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:36:38
三秦都市报 药品领域,打击重点为违法使用 植物提取物 、化工原料替代药用原料、不合格原料生产药品,更改生产批号,不进行全项检验即出厂销售,以增重、染色、掺杂掺假、以假充真生产中药饮片,从非法渠道购销药品( ... 陕西举报食药违法线索属实将奖励举报热线公布 新华网陕西频道 此专题所有 655 篇报道 »
已读[1196] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:36:34
搜狐 简格面膜专为25岁至35岁年轻女性设计,面膜采用纯天然植物配方,“肌本之本滴滴精纯”,产品95%以上为植物萃取物,乳化剂和防腐剂都来自 植物提取物 。简格面膜主要成分有芦荟和蜗牛精华,芦荟多糖和 ...
已读[1220] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:36:29
和讯网 现在市场上的纯露有很多,价格和品质参差不齐。很多所谓的纯露都是用价格低廉、劣质的花水来冒充的,它们劣质的工艺和大量的化学添加剂会大大的伤害皮肤。如果你经验不足或者贪小便宜,那就很容易中 ...
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植物提取物, 枸杞


2011第三届紫杉醇(多烯)类药物 360°产业论坛   8月11日上午 09:00-12:00第一专场 制剂专场 09:00-09:10 开幕致辞词 主办方领导 09:10-09:55 紫杉醇在世界各国的应用研究及市场概况 张中朋, 中国医药保健品进出口商会 植物提取物分会 副秘书长 09:55-10:40 紫杉醇(多烯)类药物的新剂型研发 李亚平,中国科学院上海...
内容概要   会议须知 主题纲要 紫杉醇在世界各国的应用及市场概况 张中朋 紫杉醇(多烯)类药物的新剂型研发 李亚平 紫杉醇企业如何利用360关系网开拓市场 王欣 抗耐药肿瘤紫杉烷类药物研发的现状与趋势 方唯硕 人工半合成抗癌药多西他赛  张生勇 紫杉醇原料药市场简析 鲁国倩 制备高效液相色谱在紫杉醇纯化中的应用 张浩 红豆杉的紫杉烷研究和综合开发研究 梁...

标签: 紫杉醇,红豆衫,植物提取
966 人民币
156 美元
